What You’ll Study

我们相信,最优秀的生物学家遵循的研究计划,提供了生命科学以及化学、物理和数学的所有领域的广泛的基本理解。这种方法强化了学生的知识、技能和思维习惯,这些都是生物训练出来的大脑的特征。Your program will begin with core courses, followed by courses in three areas:

  • Cellular and Subcellular Biology
  • Botany
  • Zoology


Dynamic Landscapes as Labs

You’ll test your theories and think creatively in the best lab on earth — the farm, forest, river, greenhouses, and garden right here on Warren Wilson’s 1,100 acre campus. Unfettered access to plants and animals provides rich opportunities for independent research. You’ll join the ranks of hundreds of alumni who’ve conducted research projects with real-world implications, and then join them along your own successful path.

Your Next Step

Many of our biology students go on to pursue graduate education or training. The close relationships you’ll develop with faculty give you a leg up when you’re applying to graduate school or a job. And you’ll be supported by our Career Services team, recognized in the 2019 Princeton Review as having one of the top Career Services in the country.

I didn’t have any classes or labs taught by teaching assistants and the class size was small enough that I got regular practice and feedback on my writing and public speaking. My experience with undergraduate research played a huge role in the professional path I took after college. The work program is also highly valuable in that I learned to manage my time and work hard for a full day each day – juggling classes and work crew time.

Justin Conley, '04, Environmental Studies/Biology

Explore Classes in This Program

SCI 493

Communication: Natural Science Seminar

In today’s world, being able to clearly and persuasively communicate scientific principles and results is more important than ever before. Effective biologists must investigate, organize, and present concepts to their peers, not only in written format, but orally. You’ll present a 15-20 minute oral presentation on your research project and submit a formal thesis for the College archives.

BIO 349


In this course, you’ll become familiar with the study and diversity of amphibians and reptiles. The course covers the current understanding of amphibian and reptile taxonomy, taxonomic relationship, and placement within the vertebrate tree of life. As you learn, you will also become familiar with the unique characteristics of each group and apply your learning of herpetology techniques on our campus.

BIO 379

Bahamas: Coral Reef Conservation


Meet Our Faculty

To be a teacher at WWC means, by necessity, to be a generalist. My students are eager and my subject is limitless, so there is always some new wonder to be discovered and shared.

Paul Bartels, Ph.D.
Paul Bartels
Paul Bartels, Ph.D.
Amy Boyd

Warren Wilson is a place where we are engaged lovers of learning and of connecting what we learn to the world. It's also a community where we can be whole people with diverse interests, where I can not only be scientist but artist, musician, gardener, mother.

Amy Boyd, Ph.D.
Amy Boyd
Amy Boyd, Ph.D.
Mark Brenner

As I field biologist, I always say our best laboratories are right out the back door of the science building. Within a 5 minute walk we have 3 ponds, a trout stream and 600 acres of Forest.

Mark Brenner, Ph.D.
Mark Brenner
Mark Brenner, Ph.D.
Alisa Hove

Warren Wilson College provides seemingly endless opportunities to work in collaborative settings with students who take an active role in their own learning.

Alisa Hove, Ph.D.
Alisa Hove
Alisa Hove, Ph.D.
Liesl Peterson Erb

I am more guide than teacher; I love guiding intelligent, passionate students as they help change the world not just after they graduate, but as part of their educational experience.

Liesl Peterson Erb, Ph.D.
Liesl Peterson Erb
Liesl Peterson Erb, Ph.D.
Jeff Holmes mouse


Jeff Holmes, Ph.D.
Jeff Holmes mouse
Jeff Holmes, Ph.D.

The reason I wanted to work at WWC is because of the students. I have never worked with a more passionate, caring group of students in all of my years teaching at universities.

Jill Arnold, MA
Jill Arnold, MA

I love teaching at Warren Wilson because the students challenge me to dig deeper and think harder. And I return the favor: we push and support each other in our learning.

Olya Milenkaya, Ph.D.
Olya Milenkaya, Ph.D.

The enthusiasm Warren Wilson students have for the study of the natural world on campus and beyond is infectious. I enjoy guiding and learning from them as we explore biological systems and processes together.

Patrick Ciccotto, Ph.D.
Patrick Ciccotto, Ph.D.


Peter Erb, MA
Peter Erb, MA
Paul Bartels
Meet Our Students

Beer. Meet Biology.

主修生物的哈雷·麦克维15将她对科学的热情融入到她制作的纪录片中,并将其作为高年级保护生物学课程的一部分。《不是普通的松鼠》近距离观察了卡罗莱纳北部飞鼠的濒危种群,提供了对这种濒危物种的深入研究。哈雷的纪录片和其他三部学生电影一起,在离大学校园只有几分钟路程的当地认证有机啤酒厂Pisgah Brewing Co.公映。皮斯加酿酒公司(Pisgah Brewing Co.)与沃伦·威尔逊(Warren Wilson)和Wild South合作推出了Wild Connections,庆祝阿巴拉契亚山脉的野生地区。在电影放映的当晚,Pisgah Brewing Co.推出了系列保护啤酒中的第一款,这些啤酒的设计与学生们的电影相呼应。这种融合了学习、艺术、社区、保护和啤酒(毕竟阿什维尔是美国的啤酒之都)的体验是威尔逊独有的。你只能在这里找到它。